As Generation X approaches the “Hey you kids get off my lawn!” age, it’s the perfect time to take stock of what exactly it is that defines us. Join Nate Starkey, Ashley Ward, and Matt Vogel — three Gen Xers bringing their personal perspectives to a wide range of pop culture, historic, and coming-of-age memories as part of the “forgotten generation”.
If you, like us, are beginning to wonder if the crazy shit we grew up with actually happened, or was just some hair metal, Pac-Man, Speak & Spell-fueled fever dream…then SOLVE FOR GEN X is worth a listen.
But whatever.
Podcasting since 2024 • 29 episodes
Latest Episodes
EP#18: Come and Get It! (w/Millennial Harper-Rose Drummond)
On this episode of Solve for Gen X, join Nate Starkey (Gen X 1971), Ashley Ward (Gen X 1972), and Matt Vogel (Gen X 1970) as they dig in to what's for dinner growing up as Gen X! From canned vegetables to tuna noodle casserole, we've got a full...
Season 1
Episode 18

EP#17: I Was Probably Not a Fashion Icon, Part Two (w/Generation Z Bradley Freeman, Jr.)
On this episode of Solve for Gen X, join Nate Starkey (Gen X 1971), Ashley Ward (Gen X 1972), and Matt Vogel (Gen X 1970) as they continue discussing the fashion choices they made and/or wished for when they were growing up as Gen X. Joined in ...
Season 1
Episode 17

EP#16: I Was Probably Not a Fashion Icon, Part One
On this episode of Solve for Gen X, join Nate Starkey (Gen X 1971), Ashley Ward (Gen X 1972), and Matt Vogel (Gen X 1970) as they talk about fashions that they wore or wanted when they were growing up!
Season 1
Episode 16

REWIND: Pop Culture Crush (w/Millennial Franny Starkey)
On this episode of Solve for Gen X, join Nate Starkey (Gen X 1971), Ashley Ward (Gen X 1972), and Matt Vogel (Gen X 1970) as they reveal their “Pop Culture CRUSH!”Special Guest: Franny Starkey (Millennial 1980)

REWIND: American Top 40 with Casey Kasem (w/Generation Z Keaton Vogel)
On this episode of Solve for Gen X, join Nate Starkey (Gen X 1971), Ashley Ward (Gen X 1972), and Matt Vogel (Gen X 1970) as they countdown to “American Top 40 with Casey Kasem". One of the most recognizable radio voices of all time, Casey Kase...